Sponsorship Benefits
Corporate Sponsor - $2,500 per program year
- Logo and recognition on events calendar on EPCRI website
- Recognition on all e-blast event announcements for program year
- Recognition on table cards at all dinner programs
- 1 complimentary guest admission to each EPCRI event
Dinner Program Sponsorship - $1,000
- Opportunity to introduce speaker at sponsored event
- Logo and recognition on events calendar on EPCRI website
- Recognition on e-blast announcements for dinner program
- Recognition on table cards at dinner program
- 1 complimentary guest admission to sponsored event
Networking Night Sponsorship - $750
- Recognition on e-blast announcements for Networking Night
- 1 complimentary guest admission to Networking Night
Lunchtime Learning Sponsorship - $250
- Opportunity to introduce speaker
- Recognition on events calendar on EPCRI website
- Recognition on e-blast announcements of Lunchtime Learning session